• Trakt.tv/activate

  • Trakt is a platform that does many things but mainly keeps track of the TV shows and movies you watch. It integrates with your media center or home theater PC to enable scrobbling, so everything is automated. Some people prefer to check in from their phones, so we enable that as well.


    If you stream media from multiple apps on your Fire TV Stick, linking Trakt TV lets you keep track of every TV show and movie you watch. It even recommends movies and TV shows based on your watchlist or watch history.

    Create Trakt tv account

    If you already have a Trakt account, skip to the next section. Otherwise, follow the steps below to create and set up a Trakt account.


    1. Visit the Trakt.tv/activate website on any web browser and select Join Trakt or Join Trakt on the home screen.
    2. Provide the required information (email, username, password, etc.) to create a Trakt account and proceed to the next step.
    3. Trakt will send a confirmation message to your email address. Open your inbox (or spam folder) and open the email from Trakt with the subject line "Confirm your email address".
    4. Select the Confirm Account button to activate your Trakt TV account.
    5. A new browser tab should pop up with the message "Your account was successfully verified".
    6. "Your account is ready to use!" Select Welcome Wizard below. Header.
    7. Enter the preferred display name, your location and date of birth, and select Next Step to proceed.
    8. Select your country and the streaming services you want to use. Select Next Step to proceed.
    9. Choose your favorite genres for movies and TV shows and select Next Step.
    10. Select the movies/shows you've seen and the items you own—digital or on disc. You can also add content to your watchlist (that is, programs you want to watch). Select Next Step to continue.
    11. Connect your social media platform to your Trakt profile, if you'd like—and select Next Step.
    12. Tract can send push notifications when someone follows you, replies to your comment, or likes your list.

    Set your Trakt.tv profile to private.

    The easiest thing you can do is set your profile to private. What that does is make sure that your profile and viewing activity are not publicly published for any copyright holder to browse.


    To set your Trakt.tv profile to private:


    1. Hover over your username in the top-right corner.
    2. Click on "Settings."
    3. At the top of the Settings page is the Private check box. Check it and click "Save".